I'm using 'thin' here because I'm running this on Heroku's new Celadon Cedar stack where you need to bring your own app container (unless you want to use WEBrick).
# gems needed by Rails gem 'rails', '3.0.8' gem 'pg' gem 'sass' gem 'coffee-script' gem 'uglifier' gem 'jquery-rails' # application gems gem 'thin', '1.2.11' gem "haml", "3.1.1" gem "haml-rails", "0.3.4" gem 'formtastic', "1.2.4" gem "foreigner", "1.0.3" gem "dim", "1.0.0" gem "authlogic", "3.0.3" group :development do gem "annotate" end group :test do gem "rb-fsevent", "0.4.0" gem "growl", "1.0.3" gem "guard-spork", "0.2.0" gem "guard-rspec", "0.4.0" gem "shoulda-matchers", "1.0.0.beta2" gem "capybara", "1.0.0.rc1" gem "launchy", "0.4.0" gem "timecop", "0.3.5" end group :development, :test do gem "rspec-rails", "2.6.1" gem "silent-postgres", "0.0.8" gem "factory_girl_rails", "1.0.1" end
Great List! I found a few gems I didn't even know about. I'd like to pile on some excellent gems I've starting using in my dev environment:
group :development do
gem 'rails-footnotes'
gem 'rack-perftools_profiler', :require => 'rack/perftools_profiler'
gem 'rails-dev-boost', :git => 'git://github.com/thedarkone/rails-dev-boost.git', :require => 'rails_development_boost'
They have made my dev env many times faster and made tracking down superflous queries much easier.
ahh cool, glad it helped! I had been meaning to try out the dev boost, going to go load it up right now!
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